Warm Up With the Season's Best Hot Cockt

投稿者:User icon mini hempnow 投稿日:2014/09/26 05:31

With winter's icy winds nipping at autumn's heels, the time is right to revisit the season's seductively steamy cocktails. What better way to take the edge off of a chilly day than to curl up with a toe-curlingly-good hot beverage? Whether enjoyed at a swingin' ski lounge, the local watering hole, or in the cozy comfort of your own home, these warm wonders will melt the snow from off your boots, put the color back in your cheeks, and help shake the cold from your bones.

For the motivated home mixologist, we've put together a collection of our favorite hot cocktail recipes, including rich and luxurious buttered rums, tempting toddies, and spicy Scandinavian glögg (hot spiced wine punch served with raisins and almonds). And for the coffee lovers among us, we've rounded up a world of international delights to explore: send your taste buds traveling with whiskey-spiked Irish coffee, Kahlúa-kissed Mexican coffee, and brandied Viennese coffee.

So, c'mon--throw another log onto the fire, grab your cocktail shaker, and put a little magic in your mug with the season's best hot drinks! Bottoms up!



