be Outcome Independent

投稿者:User icon mini dakuzi 投稿日:2016/11/29 12:18

Accept that Failure and Rejection Are a Part of Life
You have backup plans if you date flakes on you. You examine the last, failed job interview to investigate where you dropped the ball, learning Статистика индустрии туризма from your experience. You have plenty of other friends who will jump in to help you if the first person you asked cannot help you. In other words, you are a person full of options. You treat detours to your life as adventures.

So then, a big part of learning to become outcome independence is to accept that failure and rejection are good things. It also teaches joyetech cubis pro us that at times a situation is out of our control. Being risk adverse prevents you from taking any action towards accomplishing your goals. Accepting that failure and rejection are good things means that freeing yourself from the victim mentality, wherein instead of blaming others for your past and present mistakes and conditions, you now accept that you—and you alone—are solely responsible for the crap that happens in your life.

Freeing Yourself From the Victim Mentality
Only when you free yourself from the victim mentality will you start taking the initiative and accountability towards affecting the nuskin hk positive changes you want to see. This also means letting go of part mistakes and regrets rather than continuing to use them as excuses on why you cannot take action towards securing the future you so desire. To let go of these past mistakes you will need to learn how to forgive others that you felt may have been responsible. More importantly, you must learn how to forgive yourself as we are often our own harshest critics.



